Defining the Question
Can we utilize computer vision to build a better prosthetic?
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Tracking Police use of Force!
How can we best hold the watchmen accountable? by Rob Bennett
Defining the Question What is the best way to hold policing organizations responsible for what they do? What is the best way to keep the public informed of these actions? More now than ever in American history, we have a spotlight on police over-reach and a rising sense of disquiet...
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Exploring Computer Science Principles
The episode where we cover the more advanced concepts of graphing, hashing, and emulators! by Rob Bennett
Overview- Unit 2 of Computer Science was harder than the first, and the first was pretty rough at times. Taking the lessons that we learned about data structure, Big O notation regarding space and time complexity, and some logic regarding how computers function, we dove into hashtables (dictionaries, for python...
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Basics of Computer Science Review
The episode where we cover the basics of Python but really its all about algorithms! by Rob Bennett
Overview- Having successfully moved out of the Data Science program, we start down the road of the Computer Science track. This is an interesting experience since we’re approaching a lot of problems directly with code. Its all about finding solutions to problems in a very real-world sort of way. Our...
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Can you do Machine Learning without SKLearn?
How do you create a KNearestNeighbors algorithim from scratch? by Rob Bennett
Defining the Question
The SKLearn libraries have many different machine learning functions. They’re simple to use and quick. But can we live without them?
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